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Attention: Committed Parents of
Autistic Children Only!

  Everything about the way we parent, understand, accommodate, and advocate for our Autistic kids is changing—for the better!

This virtual retreat will give you the inspiration, tools, and education you need to parent your Autistic child with ease. Do not miss this one-time event!

Are you as over it as I am??

It’s time to end one-size-fits-all parenting techniques, books written by old white guys (whose wives totally raised their kids), and parenting “experts” making you feel guilty for not perfectly implementing totally unrealistic strategies 100% of the time.

We can forget about the “shoulds”, the “have-to’s”, and the cookie-cutter parenting plans. The most successful parent-advocates are creating a new path altogether.

It’s time to trust yourself as the true expert that you are and create a custom plan that’s as unique as your family is.

You need a plan that understands that one of your kids needs it quiet while another loud stims, or that you have a unique family culture and customs that are non-negotiables for you, or that you would rather stab your own eyeball than sit at the table for dinner with your kids and all of their mouth-sounds.

The Future is for the Empowered Parent-Advocate!

Embracing Autism Live will show you exactly whatโ€™s working *right now* in parenting Autistic kids

so that you can craft a plan that is completely unique to your family and actually doable for you (even if you’re neurodivergent yourself or feeling totally burnt out).

Embracing Autism Live Details:
Mark Your Calendar 4/20/22
Live Sessions 10-5:30 PST
Tune in From Anywhere

Here are just a few things we're going to cover:

  • The 3 big shifts happening in the parenting and autism industries today (and what that means for real parent-advocates like you!)
  • A deep dive into parenting’s big controversies like flexibility vs. consistency, boundaries vs. compromising, and even Autistics vs. parents…
  • Real-life strategies that are working RIGHT NOW for parents who are raising kids in the real world, with real struggles just like yours.
  • Exactly what to do when even the *good* parenting advice and strategies just don’t work for your child or your family, with real-life examples.
  • How to create a custom 90 day action plan with my custom lever technique to make sure you’re getting the results you actually want!
  • 5 specific strategies you can implement to parent your Autistic child with ease (plus exactly how to avoid the most common mistakes and challenges you’ll likely face along the way)
  • An extended Q&A with Kaylene—a neurodivergent mom of 6—where I will personally coach you through any and all questions about parenting your Autistic child and making the strategies fit your unique situation.

Hey friend, I’m Kaylene!

I’m an Autistic mom of 6 neurodivergent kids, and I’ve spent the last 5 years helping committed parent-advocates embrace autism and parent their Autistic child with ease with my unique Embracing Autism Method.

In that time I’ve had the privilege of coaching dozens of parents with unique circumstances—toddlers, teens, non-speaking, highly verbal, comorbid disorders, single parents, only children, large families, homeschoolers, and more—and I’ve seen what’s actually working right now behind the scenes in families just like yours.

And this virtual retreat is my chance to share everything with you so that you can set yourself up for success in this ever-changing world of raising Autistic kids! I’ll be teaching the timeless strategies that I use with my own family and that my clients use to get massive results with their Autistic children every single day.

Learn how to parent your Autistic child with ease

  • …without your child lashing out or having massive meltdowns whenever they face any tiny thing that doesn’t go exactly as they expect.
  • …without constantly giving in to your child’s every whim (to the detriment of every other family member’s needs).
  • …without spending all of your energy fighting with your child’s school “team” that you know is going to ignore you anyway.

In this powerful one-day event!

The Embracing Autism Evolution
is Happening As We Speak...
Embracing Intuition

You're a grown up and you don't need me to tell you what to do all the time! You are capable of making reasonable decisions and following your intuition, you just need the confidence to hear what your intuition is saying and follow it through!

Embracing Middle Ground

No more black and white, this vs. that, and harsh rules. It's time to find your middle ground where you find your unique flavor of strategies that work for your specific family, culture, needs, and personalities

Embracing Humanity

You are a human, and it's time that you have a plan in place that embraces that humanity, allows for mistakes, and makes sure that your own needs are met on a regular basis.

Create Your Unique Plan to
Parent Your Autistic Child With Ease.

A 1-Day Virtual Event Wednesday, April 20th.

Register Now!
Join us for one powerful day of action-packed workshops, tell-all Q&As, and juicy strategy sessions!

The Embracing Autism Evolution

The culture of one-size fits all strategies from old white guys with PHD’s and picture perfect parenting coaches is OVER. It’s time to fully step into the Embracing Autism Evolution, and this workshop will walk you through that step-by-step. Not only will we dive into an overview of the Embracing Autism Method, we’ll also be taking a deep dive look at the paradigm shift coming for empowered parent-advocates. Get ready to have your mind blown wide open and your notebook overflowing with aha-moments!


Tell All Q&A: Exclusive Parent-Advocate Panel

Hear the whole truth and nothing but the dang truth from our panel of empowered parent-advocates who are doing absolutely fabulous things and implementing the Embracing Autism Method in their own unique way. You’ll discover the real-deal strategies that are working RIGHT NOW in parenting, and get to see how all different kinds of families are tweaking the tried and true strategies you’re learning to fit their specific situations.


Your Custom 90-Day Action Plan

Ready to hop off the accommodation hamster wheel and finally set some boundaries that actually stick? Or maybe you’d give absolutely anything to finally get ahead of the meltdowns so your child (and you) can actually feel relaxed? Or maybe you’re just really needing to figure out how to effectively advocate with the school so that your child’s needs are finally getting met appropriately, even when you aren’t around. Either way, in this workshop we’re going to map out your specific goals and your custom 90-day strategic action plan so that you know exactly what your next steps will be after the retreat is over!


Embracing Autism Mindset & Strategy + Q&A with Kaylene

To wrap up the retreat, we’ll be taking a deep dive into the Embracing Autism Mindset and Strategies that you will need as you move forward from the retreat so that you can continue to make massive progress. Plus we’ll have an extended Q&A so that you have the opportunity to ask Kaylene, an Autistic adult, parent of 6 neurodivergent kids, author, and parent coach, any and all questions you have about parenting your Autistic child and implementing the Embracing Autism method into your unique family situation.

And with your ticket to Embracing Autism Live, youโ€™ll also get access to these special bonuses...
Bonus One

6 Day Replay Access

Life is BUSY, so you will have access to the replay of all 4 workshops for 6 full days following the event.

Bonus Two

Invite to the FREE VIP Bonus Day

I will be hosting a FREE VIP Day with an advanced training and live Q&A with some of my clients on Thursday, April 21st, all you have to do is apply!

Bonus Three

Action-Takers Guidebook

With this actionable workbook, you'll be able to take what you learn during the workshops and put it into practice in your family.

Donโ€™t be fooled by the โ€œless than lunch out with the familyโ€ price of this powerful eventโ€ฆ

I am bringing tons of value to this epic one-day event (and I always do!)!
If you're ready to parent your Autistic child with ease...


As you might have noticed, there is a fundamental shift happening in the parenting and autism space… You’ve probably felt it, as it’s been brewing for a while now.

Parents are over the black and white, my way or the highway binary thinking that pits consistency and flexibility against each other, that says compromising and boundaries are opposing forces, and that forces you to believe in one-size-fits-all strategies that just don’t fit your family.

But here’s what no one else will tell you:

There’s a unique opportunity for the parents like you who are willing to do things differently—who embrace the fact that they’re the true expert in their child and are ready to put in the work to create a custom plan unique to their family.

Are you ready?

Grab Your Virtual Ticket Now!
Create Your Unique Plan to
Parent Your Autistic Child With Ease.

A 1-Day Virtual Event Wednesday, April 20th.

Register Now!
My best clients ask questions like these before grabbing their tickets....

Who Should Attend Embracing Autism Live?

Whether you just received your child’s diagnosis, you’ve known your child is Autistic for years, or you’re even Autistic yourself, you will leave these sessions with inspiration, ideas, and new strategies to parent your Autistic child with ease.

Parents of Newly Diagnosed Autistic Children

Set yourself up on the right foot from the very beginning (even if you're still waiting for your child's official diagnosis!) and discover how to avoid the common mistakes that even the best parent-advocates make!

Parents Dealing With Competing Needs

Find out exactly how to navigate the competing needs in your family without always prioritizing one family member or ignoring your own needs until you’re melting down or burning out yourself.

Parents Struggling With Advocating

Discover the specific advocacy strategies that are working right now to make sure your child’s needs are met even when you aren’t around. You’ll be able to advocate with your child’s teachers, cub scout leader, and even your judgey mother-in-law.

It's choice time, friend.

It’s time to take inspired action and learn the new paradigm for parenting your Autistic child with ease. I’ll see you at Embracing Autism Live!

Create Your Unique Plan to
Parent Your Autistic Child With Ease.

A 1-Day Virtual Event Wednesday, April 20th.

Register Now!